Improve your

Report issues and communicate with Munizapp

Municipalities, get your free trial today!

Create strong and responsive local communities
with the Munizapp platform.

Better service and community improvements

Use Munizapp
User downloads mobile app from App Store.

Report issue or opinion
Take photo(s) and write a short description.

Send it in
With one button the issue is submitted to the Municipality.

Issue been fixed
Issue received and resolved.

Use MuniZapp!

Munizapp is a fully integrated solution for citizens to report their opinions and problems to the municipality where they reside. It as also possible to receive feedback on reports through the app and still remain completely anonymous. In the list of reported issues it is possible to see the status of both your own and others reported issues. For your own reported issues the complete log of replies and actions taken by the municipality is visible.

Some of the key features

Issues and opinions

Report issues and opinions with or without GPS location and photo

Visual on map

See reported issues/opinions on the map or in a sorted list (recent, popular or closest)

Photos and videos

User can take photos and videos of what is being reported and send it in with the description.

Vote on others reports

Users can vote on others reported issues, agree on them and it got higher priority.

Reports and opinions shared on social media

Reports and opinions can be shared on Facebook.

Get in touch

To know more about Munizapp, process or engagement models, please fill the form below.
Please send us your detail inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Our office

IOS ehf
Ofanleiti 2
103 Reykjavík, Iceland

Telephone +354 554 7557